Learn Quran Online

Learn Quran online is an easy way for you and your kids to learn the Holy Quran. All you need is a PC, Headset with a microphone and a broadband internet connection. Learn Quran at home is an excellent program that enables kids, adults & new Muslims to Learn Quran. We are providing services 24-7 classes. We have students in and all over the world. We teach 24 hours a day. We have both male and female tutors.Recite The Holy Quran online with the help of qualified Qari's and Huffaz. It is very difficult to find Holy Quran tutors in Western Countries such as United States, Canada and the United Kingdom, our mission is to provide authentic recitation tutors all around the world who will instruct students through online tools such as Skype and Team Viewer.


Qari online teaches you recite Quran through a special software where the Qari or any person except the administration have no access to the student's personal information or video and we also have special arrangement of female teachers (Qariah) for our lady students who donnot want to learn from male Qari's .